Current Status:
Gates open tonight at 6 p.m.
The park has reached the maximum capacity for tonight, Wednesday, Dec. 25.
No additional vehicles will be allowed to enter the line. Any vehicles already in line (ahead of the marked staff vehicle) will be admitted.
Don’t forget: General Admission tickets are valid every day through the remainder of the season. For the best experience, we suggest visiting on a weeknight/non-holiday and arriving before 7 p.m. Thank you for being a part of Prairie Lights!
Current Status:
Park Capacity Policy
Park Capacity Policy
The line of vehicles waiting to enter Prairie Lights will be capped once the park reaches that evening’s capacity. Once this happens, a marked staff vehicle will be placed in each of the lines that lead into the park. At that time, we will communicate that the park has reached capacity for the evening to this page. Guests who are already in line before this point will be admitted into the event; guests who arrive after this time are encouraged to return on another night.
If capacity is not reached by 10:00 p.m., the line will be capped at that time.
If you plan on attending and are driving in from out of town, please consider purchasing a Fast Pass that will ensure your admission into the park on a set date and time. Fast Passes must be purchased prior to 3:00 p.m. on the day of your visit.
Park Capacity Policies
Prairie Lights is experiencing a significant increase in attendance this year which is resulting in longer than normal wait times for General Admission. Because we value each of our customers and want you to have the best possible experience while at the event, our policies on closing times have been adjusted.
Effective immediately, the line of vehicles waiting to enter Prairie Lights will be capped once the park reaches that evening’s capacity. Once this happens, a marked staff vehicle will be placed in each of the lines that lead into the park. At that time, we will communicate that the park has reached capacity for the evening to this page. Guests who are already in line before this point will be admitted into the event; guests who arrive after this time are encouraged to return on another night.
If capacity is not reached by 10:00 p.m., the line will be capped at that time.
You can also sign up to receive text message updates for the day of your planned visit. Text GPLIGHTS to 888-777
These changes will allow for more manageable wait times and a better experience for Prairie Lights guests. Note that even with these changes, however, guests should still be prepared to be in line for up to approximately 3 hours.
This year has presented us with a unique set of circumstances and a drastically increased demand for a safe holiday experience, which means that we must be ready to adapt to conditions as they continue to fluctuate. Therefore, Prairie Lights may need to periodically update policies and procedures in order to provide the best guest experience. Should that happen, we’ll make every effort to inform you in a timely fashion.
If you plan on attending and are driving in from out of town, please consider purchasing a Fast Pass that will ensure your admission into the park on a set date and time. Fast Passes must be purchased prior to 3:00 p.m. on the day of your visit.
Prairie Lights will open for the 2023 season Thanksgiving night.
Sign up to receive text message updates for the day of your planned visit. Text GPLIGHTS to 888-777
Weather Closure Policies
Prairie Lights remains open each night unless otherwise noted. In the event that weather conditions are a safety concern, this page will be updated by 2 p.m. the day of the delay or closure.